Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Incapable Of Answering Questions Why Are People Incapable Of Just Answering The Question?

Why are people incapable of just answering the question? - incapable of answering questions

Why do you ask a question whose answer we get is often not really answer the question refers only vaguely to her? So, why so many people here can not answer without too coarse and your opinion is wrong?


Poppy said...

Fascinating answers - especially the great authors! The fact is that - and I will be flamed for this - I have people really stupid when it comes to communications over the Internet.

Many people are illiterate, some do not understand English very well, but what it amounts to ignorance - I do not care.

It is especially annoying when you do not have a choice of answers and the system of rewards for each of a better answer.

The opposite side of the coin shows that many people ask the questions with a "hidden agenda" to. For example, as a wine drinker, I met a man who said: "I agree that the wine for two or three weeks in the refrigerator be kept after opening"

Of course not, the taste of vinegar for a week - but the man just wanted to confirm their own stupid ideas intolerant. People behave badly online are very limited. Once your account is deleted here, you can start on a different hard drive and from the front.

For me it is not Great all that, it's helpful answers to questions. I make no effort. I'm just looking and if there is a problem that affects me personally, or the experience and give you an answer. My best assessment of the response is very high because of it. Never search the Internet for answers - the people too stupid to these frequently asked questions, and I have no desire to help.

And you, I offer no help - and we are not asking for help. You already know the answer to your question, and are also well aware that people are perfectly capable, easy answer to the question - but many people do not like. It follows from what has blocked the background investigation of questions and answers that you do not want someone to offer a response to personal experience. You can ask questions, get answers to more shocking or wrong inclined. \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ U0026lt; Although there are two answers is the eyeliner a good response, and the other was a definition of Nice "ruleL ', the immune response more fully in general not to give up their thumbs ...) ... ...

Personally, I sometimes ask questions to know about operating systems - that most people tend to use Microsoft crapware violence to support their position, and this also applies to Linux and Mac - or what else - because people are struggling more than anything to justify their own position. I answer very strong and very, very few have a real basis in thought, research or knowledge.

I urge you, or anyone else reading this open response to the following link, which is a screenshot irrelevant and free ...

Oh, and of course I forgot the best way to make someone vote for best answer, after writing a bunch of garbage that something big was quoted as ..

Good luck!

zynr said...

Since this is not a forum to express, others ask whether it is with this view, in fact a violation. I suppose that sometimes the questions can be as long as people are negligent in reading the details, if the fault lies with the applicant, and those who have not read fully all the details. Basically, if the data are particularly long, it's sometimes better to go this question, see if there is no time for anything. But I think these questions should be discouraged ... if they so long that it hard to read. How, why people are rude ... There are rude people everywhere ... on the market, the shopping center, repair shop, etc., etc., and on the Internet. Who knows why some people like us that ... but it will never change.

oxo_07 said...

It depends on who answers your question. In some cases, people just want a few points here and there preserved. Even from the time we can answer your questions and others are not aware because we are not your first contact. I mention this because some of my answers will be abolished (uninvited), even if my answers are correct. I agree with you that there are users who have no respect for others, and these people do not even know you personally.

Your most important contacts are, or should be able to give good answers, and it depends on what is the topic of interest. These are the main reasons that have drawn from that, and they choose as our main contact, because the way in answer to our questions, or dressed She added that their most important contacts and their answers.

Edit: This forum can be nice. It was developed to express themselves through knowledge [of the book or the experience]. A place to learn and people from around the world through the exchange of ideas, culture and other interestingAspects of life, without malice. A pity that not everyone feels and thinks the same thing but be strong and think positive at all times and do not let the negative be refused. Good luck to you and see you around ...

ColorLes... said...

They are a part. I'm only 2 points. Sometimes they are called trolls.

A troll is someone who intentionally baiting points and the persistence of the inflammatory messages about sensitive subjects react to users or to provoke a confrontation. We also think people trolls if they consistently turn produces features such as the classification negatively on others.

d3midway semi-retired said...

Dan does not answer to 2 points if it does not matter if they are to help the applicant or not. There are answers tough because no one knows who they are. They say what they would say here has never personally someone. A little more than stupid nasty comments are rude. Good luck!

major♥ka... said...

Have not you heard? People on the Internet, to fight for things when they can.

It gives them a feeling of superiority or something, I think.

It bothers me when people for something that not even close to an answer, too.

Shiny Metal Insano said...

It is the nature of the Internet. People are more or less anonymous, so that they can write the entire pot (as I do from time to time, I confess, if the question is stupid) and go with it.

Nathan00... said...

Everyone has attitudes and opinions. Everyone is not on the earth is a courtesy, a polite person. As everyone knows the answer, which collect a response to the points. Does that help?

bibi said...

For the same reason that some people can be very "good" here ... Shade in a dynamic hobby. You can follow any stupid, rude, off-topic answer they want, and kill time with millions of other people.

Level 7 LOL !!!!!!

Edit ... : D

irish said...

Am I completely agree. I think there are people on Y! The answers are really there to be idiots. Really miss the attitude.

Scouse said...

I have my hands, I am perhaps a criminal, but many questions we can answer yes or no and not very satisfactory. Sometimes talking about the issue or cause someone to contribute a reasonable answer.

PinkAppl... said...

You want to get only two points. It does not bother me if they help the applicant or not, provided they get the two points.

Emma O said...

Imagine getting a stupid question, stupid answer.

Sarina said...

They took the lessons from the policy.

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