Sunday, January 17, 2010

Crutch Buddies Should I Break Up With Her?

Should I break up with her? - crutch buddies

I met this girl online for about 6 months and there was one of us. When I saw my plan was simply to call him as prey, but it was really united and is now deeply in love with me. They treated me very well and I can not say that I have to do the same for them. As currently in school and I love partying with my friends and try to talk to other girls. I never take them with me and is something that I know really disturbing. I would not really think anyone knows, Im going out with her. She is pretty, but a kind of matrix and a 4-year-old child. It is also the life of the university. What are the things that annoy me about about everything. Even if he never said that. One of the main reasons to make you suffer from depression. She is always there to talk to me and I appreciate it. It's really in love with me and I like it just because of the things he has done for me. I do not feel like I love it but shes nice to have around. I almost feel like I'm alone in using their sex or an emotional crutch. Whyis so in love with me, I have no idea, but I will not break my heart. Also dont think its fair, only to find their destiny in the cabinet to have. I know that if I said I do not want to destroy her what I want to have some order to a point. Maybe because I have no other girl is now and forever guaranteed good sex. What should I do? I know it probably seems like an idiot with this post, but it's really how I feel.


Anonymous said...

In any case, understand your situation. the whole "I love talking to you" thing. For me, I was in the same situation as today, and the best thing that I said what I felt. shes when fully emotional attachment to you, then do not say the part about using it for depression, because frankly, if I were her, I did not hear it either, but you must be honest and forward. I just said, "Do not get me wrong, you're really nice and everything, but I'm still young and although I think he was ready, I'm still not quite ready to be with someone" for you, simply to indicate that you still want in the school and that his options open. if not always open to all options and find a girl who is quite happy, no offense, but life can be a difficult year

good luck =)

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